Permintaan Surat Dukungan ke Supplier dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dalam pelaksanaan tender/pengadaan barang dibutuhkan surat dukungan. Nah, surat dukungan kadangkala dibutuhkan dari distributor pusat yang lokasi kantor pusatnya berada di luar negeri. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan surat permintaan surat dukungan ke supplier. Berikut contoh dari surat permintaan surat dukungan ke supplier dalam bahasa inggris (english) atau Inquiry of endorsement letter/ support letter.

Dear Sir or Madam,
Subject: Inquiry of price list and brochure/catalouge, endorsement letter, letter for availability of spare parts and product

We saw your advertisement in the “…” a few days ago and interested in your products:

Please let us have the details of your product together with the sample, terms of payment, and the price list. We will follow procurement in DKI Jakarta Government. So, Could you give us details of discount and the fastest delivery please.

We hope to receive your reply soon.

Yours Faithfully,


[Job Title]

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